Author Archives: Faye Bell

About Faye Bell

Designer, Artist, Techie, Programer, DOER

Need to start bloging again.

I need to actually start blogging again. I am going to try once a week by Thursday, since Wensday and Thursday are my two days off in my work week.

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Just another sketch

I am trying to improve my sketching skills, by trying to sketch once or twice a week. anyways here is todays sketch.

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New design using the idea of the Angle Beats stage.

its still some WIP, but its going to be cool when done.

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Fighting Fate by iMeiden. How I am making this work.

you can read my design statement in the youtube details. Here is the details on how I am doing this. Buy a license of capture . I am just using 1 world of dmx in it. Learn how to use … Continue reading

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Lighting Design Idea! The intro to Gen:LOCK.

I created this as I felt it would look interesting. I had this song stuck in my head for a bit. I then Designed it. I plan on uploading designs to different songs as time permits. on my youtube channel. … Continue reading

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Some art I did for

I made a business card for the group I run.

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Automating the Home Meetup Theatre experience.

What do you get, when you have Network PDU’s, DMX controlled lights, OSC Audio controlled mixers, Led signs and a serial controlled HDMI switcher? A complex machine. Using the Linux controlled systems, that I have previously made for my PBX … Continue reading

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More automation in the apartment.

Soon, I will be writing up the “theatre” automation. the goals of this project is to do the following. 1. Change lights2. control the projector 3. Control Audio and Video sources.4. Control a LED sign Some of the work has … Continue reading

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Here is some drawings I have been working on. I find that I like water color brushes. I think I am going to start posting more art stuff. That I have done or am working on.

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Lighting. System automation.

So how do you tie the following together? turning on non-dim set lights. Sending power to DMX controlled lights that can go in to “disco mode”. Controlling a few cues on a light console. Then Of Course….. make it easy … Continue reading

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