Author Archives: Faye Bell

About Faye Bell

Designer, Artist, Techie, Programer, DOER

Charity Zine

I helped with this by processing the final pdf. I have helped with the past 2 also. Go check this out! Just $10 and you’ll get some cool fanart and fanfic, to help raise money for trans youth in the … Continue reading

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Nightcore – Let it fall by Emmelie de Forest.

Another project, another fun time. I hope you enjoy =^_^=

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Back to 1999 [AMV]

Made this AMV using content from: GravitationGravitation OAV song is Charli XCX – 1999 (Dan Larkin Remix) This AMV was made for Test signals, the preshow to the LGBTQ+ anime night. Anyways, Enjoy!

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Test Signals Time Code work

Nightcore – Here’s To Never Growing Up V1 of TIme Code show WIP F. Bell 1/28/2023

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ArtNet is not conforming to RFCs

For all the Network Techs out there. I have a Interesting one, on reddit there was a post about a L2 switch killing the port when ArtNet was sent over it. Using my Network experience, I pulled the devices manual, … Continue reading

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LGBTQ anime night – Test signals

I am doing a light show, each Saturday night, as content for “Testing the streaming platform” . Anyways Here is last nights show The project meets a few goals. First Checking stream quality. Second Its fun 🙂 and Third to … Continue reading

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Slinging code on the Pi

I am working on making my python 3 script better. I am also adding a mode to control the venue lights. I am getting used to which is the more accepted way of calling other programs. I am using it … Continue reading

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Another day another Just for fun, project

I’m still working on this song…. I am busking this song vs creating cues, for it.

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I2C Adafruit 16×2 LCD Pi Plate

Hi y’all, Today I am going to write up a project I am working on. Problem: I have a USB headphones with cat ears. The Mixers only output analog. Also Needs to be headless. Solution: Use a ADC and pulseaudio … Continue reading

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html video splash screen

Hello everyone, Today I have found a useful code snipit to add a Static image to the HTML5 video player add poster=”Image_here” to the the tag for example it would look like <video…. src=”” controls poster=”/cropped-bg.png”></video>

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